Rave on snow! It’s not only music that makes your body shake in mysterious ways, but also snow and cold ground that makes itchy feet dancing, elevating up in the Air. Were you there and why not?

We, party people, we were there … alive & kicking … Rave on Snow … bring it on … It’s a great idea to make a festival in winter time … Smiley Lemon got a personal invitation from his dear friends to join them on this snow festival gathering; as always – on his mission to bring joy and happiness to people. So of he went to this Austrian Alpine Mecca.
There was not much snow this year, but low night temperatures made making snow possible. Hounders of snow machines were working nightshifts to allow us enjoy the fun on the snow during the day.
His passion for spreading joy & happiness was fulfilled by many smiling faces of the partygoers crossing him around the mountain slopes & alpine villages in the night. Like Newton’s law of physics says: forces draw each other with the equal force but in opposite direction. In a similar way the opposite happens with Smiley Lemon. His smiling face always gets an equally happy smile from faces od the people around him.
Smiley Lemon brought so much warmth and happiness with him in his “Sport Billy” magical bag, that the snow almost started to melt down which was the reason why his stay was short and sweet. Only 4 days. But 4 days of skiing around and having pure fun.
But don’t worry he will be back, soon … till then keep on smiling.
As he always says: “See us back in the future.”
With love from the sunny side of Austrian alps.
Wolfgang – big Smiley lemon fan