Las Vegas….sounds like a movie…..looks like a cartoon….its basically a casino….is a man-made artificial playground to get away from our true nature…..its totally inflated…and it’s just so fake…that’s funny…..but of course you can have fun here….also at the end of the day…it’s better to have fun…than complain 😉
I flew in from Germany straight to Vegas… first long stop was at the Custums…where of course me myself and i …a Chinese and a Russian were stopped and we had to take a different route…..I quickly realised that the lemon on my necklace was the shining stopper for the Custums eyes…..unfortunately, they took my 10 organic apples and 20 organic lemons….and some carrots….hahhaha…..I had them as gifts for my friends….what else can you give friends in the US…but organic fruit…something they do not see every day 😉

Have a beautifull day and may all beings be happy