Kitesurfing with childhood friends in Croatia

Last time i went on kitesurfing holidays with my childhood friends was so many years ago that i dont count anymore. It is just the number, but i admit its nice to be back and see all those faces on the water with big smiles. We were 6 families with around 15 children. We were pretty lucky with the wind as we could kitesurf almost everyday using 10m kite. As i was still injured (I injured my ligaments in Swissa 2 months ago) i could use only strapless kitesurfboard which is way more pleasant for the knees as a normal twintip with straps for the feet. Being again on the water was so refreshing and energizing. Water with all healthy minerals is the element i thrive on.

We were staying in Kuciste (near orebic) in camp Perna on penninsula Peljesac. Its a wind mecca on Croatian coast for all wind lovers. The night sleep was pretty special as i could watch my planet SL2117 directly from my bed under the trees and open sky. The stars were sharing that beautifull moments with me and we were united as one with all the warm hearted smiley lemon humans in all the galaxies around.

foa…dobby and us

Have a beautifull day and may all beings be happy

with love SmileyLemon

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