We dont observe our universe because it exist….our universe exist because we are observing it….If you erase a conscious observer…..all that remains is energy in flow….without of meaning or sense…..it is we who give sense and purpose to our universe……
We create order and meaning in our world through the words and ideas we have inherited and learn to use….which are simply free creations of the mind…
We colour our world with our attitudes and prejudices….the world we know is ultimately …a world of our own making….
We each inhabit distinct worlds..what i percieve in my world will be different from what someone else percieves in theirs…when mine is filled with suffering or pain…theirs may be blooming with happiness and abundance……..when mine is a desolate wasteland….theirs may be a fertile valley of oppurtunity and hope….
2 people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different….this is because the world we experience is not the only world there is…..there are many possible worlds…..
We create our worlds with every thought…with every act….
Through perception directed inward ….we become aware of the vast…..hidden realm of possibility ….beneath the surface of everyday experience and tremendous power we each have to shape our world….
The only world we know is the world we percieve….therefore…by entering our perception….we enter the world we know….
Now more than ever……is important that we acknowledge that we are here together in this beautifull world and that everyone is trying his best to live in peace and love…..we dont need wars anymore…we never needed them…..there are just few induviduals out there who are playing gods and making wars for the sake of profit… power & control… ….this is just faulse propaganda that media is trying to impose on us….to control us….to keep us in fear…..we are here to experience love and compassion among each other …because that is the most powerfull force in universe….
we are on a tipping point of a new evolution as humanity…..we decide wheather we live in peace or war….time is now to act and time is now to be aware that things are not as they are trying to sell us…..
we dont need powerfull instituition to tell us how to live our lives…..we need conscious world where we understant that the only way forward is in symbiosis with our true nature and interconnectedness with animals …plants and other vibrating particles around us…
its time to atune our human frequency to next level …..where there is only love and peace
Have a beautifull day and may all beings be happy
with love SmileyLemon